Brooke, and family, sent me this nice card for Halloween in the email!
Thanks, Brooke!

Camojack emailed me this image that I'll bet most of you have seen before. Scariest image of all! To help with the atmosphere of this image please click on the sound file below, then scroll down for the horrifying Hallowe'en image. ooOOOOOooooo!
Free file hosting from File Den

Now remember, if the lady caracitured in the above image gets to the White House, we'll be hearing this music:
Free file hosting from File Den
Yep, the Death March! But don't despair, just get the facts, tell everyone you know just how scary this person is, and vote!
For the love of everything Holy .... Vote!
I have no fear of Hillary on a broom.
It's her in the Oval Office that gives one nightmares.
Let's keep her on the broom where she belongs.
Danged right!
"Camojack emailed me this image that I'll bet most of you have seen before."
Well, it was new to me; I call it "Scary Pooter"...
Scary is the right word! Nice illustration. I wonder who the artist is?
I was thinking we'd hear Tocata and Fugue in D minor!
Glad you liked the card! :D
Actually I thought of it but had the Death March, so .....
LOL Benning! I used that Hillary pic as part of my Halloween post too. I thought it was quite appropriate. :)
lol..Happy belated!..ty for droppin by!..benning..can u plz email me the link where u saw the blog winners..such fun!
I trackbacked to you, and you already have the addy. Yer too fast fer me, Angel!
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