Is the fascination that he’s the first competitive black man to run for the US Presidency? Is it that he’s young - something the Democrats seem to cherish above all else - or that he can give a good speech? Certainly it isn’t that he’s a legislative powerhouse. As an Illinois Senator he did practically nothing while in office save cash his paychecks from the state and vote, “present”. As a US Senator he’s simply voted with the Democrats, often to their Left, while offering not one idea that is new, or important, or of any consequence to the American people.
So what is it about Barack Obama? What has the Democrats and the black celebrities all atwitter? What is it about him that makes Leftist media-types go gaga for him?
Well, for one thing he isn’t Hillary! He isn’t shrill and pedantic. He has a certain amount of charisma - an over-rated quality, to be sure - and has youth. He also does not have the immense baggage of Bill Clinton hanging around his neck. The women seem to think him handsome, and he does carry himself well in the public arena. Also, the MSM does not pay any heed to his lack of legislative prowess or record. In fact the MSM simply does not speak on the issue of Obama beyond the feel-good platitudes of his campaign speeches. He speaks also of “Unity”, which to him, and to most leading Democrats, means destroying the First Amendment. Unity of thought is what they seek and desire. Without unity we have a robust Republic, rather than a European-style moribund State. Unity to Obama, as well as his supporters, means you’re with me or against me. And that’s a change for this country, too, if he wins.

He bravely took a stand in favor of jacking up the pay of Teachers, while opposed to any sort of merit standards. Again, right down the line with the Democrat Party. He tells the public that he doesn’t agree with his own Pastor’s racist dogma, but not in such a way as to distance himself from that worthy Mentor. He continues to belong to a church that advocates Black Power, while assuring the American people that he is not a black radical. He tells us that he will sit down with the leaders of the Middle East to dialogue with them as a way to solve the age-old problems of violence there, while saying nothing about the root of the violence: Islamic hatred of Jews. He has yet to part with the growing anti-Semitism of the Democrat Party, and will probably castigate Israel as a purveyor of violence and oppression. Again, very much in keeping with the tenets of the modern Democrat Party.

Change? The Democrat Party offers only a change from the future to the past. They offer a change from Liberty and Freedom to the shackles of a Socialist State. Their idea of change is to destroy the Constitution and replace it with the mindless, empty-souled barrenness of Socialism - a system of government that has failed throughout history and destroyed countless lives over the past century.

Change? Unity? Buzzwords for the Democrats and the MSM. Empty platitudes to those of us who can still think. Yes, Barack Obama can give one hell of a speech. But he isn’t saying a single, blessed thing. And I doubt he ever will.
Say it enough and you'll believe it. Say it enough. You're the king of the world. Check the facts.
I did. And I didn't do it anonymously either.
Obama and Clinton are more or less the same coin.
The question is, which one will take us to full-fledged communism the quickest.
Lawrd help me, I might actually have to vote for McCain: Socialism light.
Scary, isn't it? But we don't have the greatest of choices this cycle. So we'll have to make do. And that's something Americans always do when things are a bit tough: make do!
It's like a wrote on my blog, Benning. Obama is the modern day Pied Piper. He practically hypnotizes people with his voice. They don't care that he doesn't say what his change is going to be, he says it with such clarity and passion! Sheesh!
He's mesmerized so many Democrats! Yipe! LOL
The only change would be gender or skin color, nothing significant.
Change is the "buzzword" du jour...in this election cycle, as in many others.
"Say it enough and [they'll] believe it."
More fools, they...
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