In March of 1966 four Folk Music performers, having left the confines of the Folk Music scene behind and dabbled in some Rock ‘N Roll, debuted their first Rock ‘N Roll record album. Of the twelve songs on this debut album, three had already aired as singles and been charted on the U.S. and British Rock Charts. The debut album was titled, “If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears”, and the name the band had chosen for themselves was The Mamas & the Papas.

It is one of the best albums of its day, and it plays like a greatest hits compilation. Just look at the cuts from “If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears”:
- "Monday, Monday" - 3:27
- "Straight Shooter" - 3:27
- "Got a Feelin'" - 2:31
- "I Call Your Name" - 2:39
- "Do You Wanna Dance?" - 2:57
- "Go Where You Wanna Go" - 2:30
- "California Dreamin'" - 2:41
- "Spanish Harlem" - 3:21
- "Somebody Groovy" - 3:15
- "Hey Girl" - 2:27
- "You Baby" - 2:19
- "The 'In' Crowd" - 3:10

And “I Call Your Name” is perhaps the finest remake of a Beatles tune ever. In fact “I Call Your Name” comes off as a Honky-Tonk Bar song, with Cass Elliot singing the lead vocals to a piano and drum, until the band joins in for the refrains and backing harmonies. This is a song that shows what a talented group can do with a remake other than a watered-down version of the original. It’s also the first real explosion of Mama Cass’s vocal talents for the world outside of the Folk music circle. She’s superb.

We repair to The Landmark Inn laden down with food and drink and many exotic potions with which to celebrate our good fortune. Cass cooks one of her specialties: Duck a l'orange and after fulsome amounts of whiskey, and brandy and wine and grass and, in a few cases, Seconals - we're all just lying around vegging out watching TV and discussing names for the group. "The New Journeymen" was not a handle that was going to hang on this outfit. John was pushing for "The Magic Cyrcle". Eech, but none of us could come up with anything better, then we switch the channel and, hey, it's the Hell's Angels on this talk show . . .
And the first thing we hear is: "Now hold on there, Hoss. Some people call our women cheap, but we just call them our Mamas." Cass jumped up: "Yeah ! I want to be a Mama." And Michelle is going: "We're the Mamas! We're the Mamas!" OK. I look at John. He's looking at me going : "The Papas ?" Problem solved. A toast ! To The Mamas and The Papas. Well, after many, many toasts Cass and John are passed out. [...]

A short, meteoric career.
John Phillips was the primary songwriter and musical arranger of The Mamas & the Papas. Early in the band's history, John and Michelle were responsible for writing most of the band's songs. John would often come up with a melody and some lyrics, and Michelle would help him complete the lyrical portion of the song. Doherty, a Canadian singer and songwriter, had a fine baritone voice. Cass Elliot - known to her fans always as Mama Cass - was perhaps the most vocally-talented member of the band. She went on to a very successful solo career recording nine albums of her own. Following the second of two sold-out performances at London’s Palladium - to standing ovations - Cass Elliot died in her hotel room of a heart attack on July 29, 1974. The night before she died, she had called Michelle in L.A. to tell her how happy thrilled she was about getting standing ovations at The Palladium. Michelle Phillips says that Mama Cass "died a very happy woman."

The band existed for only a very short time, but they recorded some very fine music, and gave the world songs that survive to this day. They remain one of my favorite bands of the Rock Era. Here’s one of those debut album songs, “Got A Feelin’”. It’s sweet and pretty. Hopefully it will have loaded completely by the time you get here. Enjoy.
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The sad thing is that Mama Cass wouldn't stand a chance today in the MTV visually centered music world. (Michelle with her beauty would have been the one.) I have a couple of their CDs and do listen to them from time to time.
Speakin' of "California Dreamin'", I've got a flight to SoCal in 6 hours...I've been taking a vacation for Thanksgiving Week for years now. That way (since Thursday and Friday are already off with pay) I can get a full week using only 3 vacation days. Last year, I went to Mexico.
Oh, and they did have turkey there...
I've got just one question:
Why is there a commercial grade toilet in a bathroom which must be in a home, considering the bathtub the band is sitting in?
Brooke: That's the question? Heheheee!
From Wiki: "If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears is one of the few albums to have three separate covers. The first cover featured the group in a bathroom sitting in a bathtub with a toilet in the corner. The album with this cover was pulled from stores after the toilet was declared indecent. The remaining covers featuring the toilet have since become collector's items. A second album cover was then released with a scroll over the toilet listing the hit songs in the album. A third album cover was later released with a closely cropped shot of the band surrounded by a black border that removed any hint that the picture was taken in a bathroom."
Camo: Yeah, but what about Cranberry Sauce? Have fun!
Shoprat: You may be right, but with that voice, who can really say? Streisand, recall, has that huge honker!
I was going to say the same thing regarding Mama Cass and her fantastic voice. I think she would do just fine today. It is the voice that counts, after all. Many women look beautiful but have no talent. Talent like hers is rare.
I like Steisand's nose by the way, it made her distinctive. Sort of like Jimmy Durante. :) I also like her fabulous voice, but I can't stand her!
Cass Elliot had such a beautiful voice--a good range and excellent quality of timbre.
Too bad that her career and life were cut short.
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