Angel at Woman Honor Thyself has won the 2007 Weblog Awards in her category: Best of the Top 501 - 1000 Blogs Click the link to see the final tally on that page. If you'd rather not, then here's a screen shot I pulled from the page that shows the top three vote-getters.
Defiant Infidel blogged on Angel's fine win and I stole his picture - why not? It's perfect! Please click the link and go read his take on Angel, her win, and her blog.

Angel's win is well-deserved. She blogs daily - well, perhaps hourly! - and is one of those bloggers who actually visits her blogging friends often, leaving comments as she goes. Her blog is chock full of information, opinion, links, and insights that spark other bloggers to blog themselves. It's a friendly blog to visit, so if you haven't seen it, then git on over!
Congratulations, Angel! You da Woman!
Of the rest of the categories I was watching - and voting in - closely, The Anchoress came in third to Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) and Lindsay Beyerstein (Majikthise)in the category of : Best Individual Blogger. I've visited the Instapundit but have never heard of Majikthise. Oh well, it's a good showing for the blog that I tried to emulate when first I essayed into the blogosphere.
Great showing, Ma'am, but you shoulda won!
Sister Toldjah was far back in the pack for Best Conservative Blog, but Captain's Quarters and Michelle Malkin were nominated (and Finalists) in other categories, and should not have been in this one. Sorry, that's the way I see it!
Bookworm also took third in her category: Best of the Top 1001 - 1750 Blogs She was concerned that she'd be embarrassed by a poor showing. Not a chance! Nice work, Bookie-pooh!
To all the winners: Well done and Congratulations! To those who didn't win - you were Finalists and that means you are something special! Well done to you, too!
What a great summary of the results -- and thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them.
You earned and deserve them! Way to go!
It was wonderful for you to post this, Benning. Congratulations to all the winners, and especially to Angel 'cause I voted for her every day! :)
awwwwwww shucks my friend..youre makin me blush!..lol..Thanks so so much for this..I will post on this pronto!
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