Angel at Woman Honor Thyself sent me an award! Seems she thinks that I make her think, me and some other bloggers as well. So she tagged me with this, linked to me on her blog, and said nice things about me.
I have to now pick five bloggers that make me think, tag them, and hope they don't get irked at me and say mean things. This takes thought and means some of those I enjoy will be left out! Don'cha hate that? Me, too.
Anyway, I tracked this down to a blogger, ilker yoldas, whose blog The Thinking Blog has quite a following among the members of MyBlogLog. I could not find any mention on that blog of the award, but so what?
This blog was begun as simply a way to express my opinions, sell copies of my novel, describe my own writing travails (the Goofing-Off Syndrome), and just put in writing things that were rattling about in my mind. The Writing Pad has had posts on Art, Artists, Comics, politics, religion, and other things, including silliness. I hope when I wax philosophical or opine on certain subjects, that they make folks think, even if they do not agree. I find that the act of writing down my thoughts oftentimes clarifies my thinking. I'd bet that's true for a lot of you, too. And I am always grateful for the visitors who find their way here, leave comments, and feel moved to return. I've met some wonderful folks through this blog, and discovered some amazing writers, thinkers, humorists, and all of them have added to my life! So Thanks! to all of you!
Rules of participation:
Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. The participation rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme and know you thinks so highly of ya!…heh
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
That being said (don'cha love the cliches? Heheheee!), here's my truncated list of blogs/bloggers who make me think and thus receive the Thinking Blogger Award:
1) Patrick Joubert Conlon, of Born Again Redneck Yogi(he has trouble finding a title he likes, so it changes!) ~ A Classic Liberal (or Libertarian) who posts with equal ease regarding the flora and fauna of his home, politics at large, and anything that comes to mind.
2) Always On Watch Two (Always On Watch got too big, so she opened the new one!) ~ A dedicated teacher, smart-as-a-whip blogger, and solid writer. Every visit is an adventure in common-sense thought.
3) Victoria at Sundries...a sweatshop of moxie ~ A British ex-pat, Vicks always has interesting, thought-provoking, or oft-times offbeat posts. Fun, palate-cleansing, thoughtful.
4)neo-neocon at NEO-NEOCON ~ She does with introspection and self-examination what William Bougeaureau did for Art. Her posts about her conversion from modern Liberalism are absolute classics!
5) The Anchoress at The Anchoress ~ Hers was the first blog I regularly visited. She needs no awards or recognition, as she is well-known in the blogosphere, but she has always given me food for thought.
Don't fret if I didn't mention you! You may already be getting the award from some other blogger who thinks you're thought-provoking. Besides, all you need do is check my blogroll or image links, at the bottom of the page, to find the bloggers I love to visit!
I'm honored but I sure hate tagging other people. I may cheat on that rule.
The choice is yours, O' Thinking Blogger! ;)
I'll hand out my awards on Friday. But I won't tag anyone else.
I've posted my awards HERE. A day before I thought I'd get this done.
So I guess that I did tag someone else. Hehehe.
The original blog is supposed to be credited and linked in this meme. I suppose somehow as the award got passed from one group of 5 to another, that got lost. Glad you included it.
Congrats, Benning! You certainly do deserve it; your blog is very thought provoking. :)
I love the resurrection picture at the top of your blog, by the way. Beautiful!
applause applause...heh:)
Toasts to all!
Congratulations Benning!!! You most certainly deserve this. Great read too!
Old Soldier gave me one too, Benning, but I'm not going to tag anyone. I'm afraid of leaving someone out... they're are so many "thinking" blogs out there!
By the way, I'm back. :)
"I hope when I wax philosophical or opine on certain subjects, that they make folks think,"
Cool idea
As long as the wax don't run out!
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