Send a check for $19.95 to me at:
Jeffrey M. Keenan
13333 Ridge Rd. #2403
Largo, FL 33778
Let me know how you'd like it inscribed - "For Blogger profile:" "For My Actual Name:" "For Crazy Aunt Myrtle:" and so on. Don't forget to include your mailing address! Jeepers, if you forget, why I won't be able to send it to you!
Product Details:
Printed: 272 pages, 6.00" x 9.00", perfect binding, black and white interior ink
Publisher: epress online
Copyright: © 2006 by Jeffrey Keenan Standard Copyright License
Language: English
Country: United States
Edition: First Edition
Lulu Sales Rank: 2,842
Last Tuesday my Folks met me at a restaurant in downtown Clearwater. Mom brought three books for me to sign for thier friends. That was nice, y'know? A very nice feeling. Now that little signature won't be worth anything, but it's an honor to be asked. Like a kiss to go along with the hug! LOL
Let me know. You can email me, too. Give me some idea what you want. It takes about a week for the book to get here, then another week to get to you. is very good at getting the orders out. I do recommend them if you're shopping for books. These are mostly unknown authors, or authors with small publishers, both of which apply to me.
Now you tell me, I just bought your book the other day...would of loved you to sign it. Oh well. Semper Fi! Still am pretty anxious about reading it. :)
Oh sure .... now that it's 2000 miles away you want to sign it ... sheeesh ... LOL ... Gotta sit down and read this... darn work keeps gettin in the way ..:-(
I'm heading out for a weekend excursion in a few hours, but when I return I'll mail you a check.
gunz, abf: Sorry, guys, it takes planning I hadn't done. Email me your addies, and I can mail off a bookplate kind of label. I'll sign it and so on. Will that work for you?
camo: be careful! Not all the nuts are in FLorida!
My check will go out in Monday's mail!
My check will be at your door in the near future!
I bought the ebook (thought I'd give a new medium a try), but it's just not the same as having the paper in hand!
OK, I'm back from the trip...the check's in an envelope addressed to you, but the Post Office is closed today.
Works for me and would appreciate that. I'm thinking I should get the book anytime now.
I just got my copy of "Bennin's War" in the mail, and I have to say I'm more than a little disappointed. I hope you don't mind criticism, 'cause it's coming.
I haven't started the book and won't until the weekend since I have to leave town for work until Friday or Saturday. But I did look at the 'dedications' page. I was not even mentioned. It cut me to the core :(
Hehe, just kidding. I'm looking forward to reading your novel.
I received your book today Benning, time to start reading it now. :)
OK, Benning... I'm a little poorer than I expected right now. My son has to have some testing for developmental delay, so I'll have to make due with the eBook for now! Thanks for your understanding! ;)
Heck, Brooke, the young'uns always come first! So don't worry about it, 'K?
camo: The book is ordered! Should be here soon, then on its way to you, too!
Just wanted to say hi from one novelist to another!
All the best to you in your book endeavors.
The 'sheck' is in the mail but will sit in the outgoing box until tomorrow (Monday). Looking forward to finding out what kind of writer you *really* are! (lol)
Inscription? You're choice...from what you've learned about me from my blog...which may be nothing!
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