So, as the evidence continues to pour in, regarding Anthropogenic Climate Change (that's Global Warming, for those of you mired in the past), showing it to be nothing but the normal fluctuations in Global climatic temperatures, normal climatic cycles, normal, normal, normal, what do the Statist-loving warming-mongers do?
Simple: the lies continue. And the propaganda. And the hysteria. "We must act now!" "We have to help Mother Earth!" "We're all going to drown!"
And now the latest in Statist Scientific oddities: Polar Bears falling from the skies!
Look to the sky, Humans! Your environmental foolishness has caused Gaia to suck Polar Bears into the air and drop them on your un-feeling heads!
Plane Stupid - ain't that a giveaway? - made this silly, hysterical ad. The Guardian remarks:
Airline pollution activists Plane Stupid are on a collision course with the advertising regulator after launching a graphic cinema campaign that sees CGI polar bears falling to bloody deaths to highlight the impact of carbon emissions.
Plane Stupid's ad, which breaks in cinemas and online today, features dozens of animated polar bears falling from the sky onto a city centre, bouncing off skyscrapers and landing in the street and on the roof of a car, accompanied by blood-spurting special effects.
The group is aiming to point out that even short flights to the continent have a major impact on carbon emissions. Plane Stupid said that the ad was inspired by the fact that an average European flight produces 400kg of carbon, which it claims is the same weight as an average female polar bear.
"We wanted to confront people with the impact that short-haul flights have on the climate," said Robert Saville, a director at Mother. "We used polar bears because they are a well understood symbol of the effect that climate change is having on the natural world."
As noted in many places, Polar Bear populations have been booming. Remember that the folks who count these human-hunting beasties have no idea how many bears there were in the world just forty years ago. No clue. It's all guess-work. And, like much that they claim, it's utterly false.
Ed Gillespie, in the Guardian, notes:
And this inevitably begs the question do these shock tactics actually work to shift the public's attitudes and behaviours? Conventional psychological theory suggests that shock ads used to work because their message wormed its way so deeply into our consciousness that we're eventually compelled to act on it. However we swiftly become desensitized and I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of the over-hyped plight of the plucky polar bear in the context of climate change and the role of flying in fuelling the phenomenon.
But maybe the ad works by ramming home this link between high-carbon short haul flights and the fate of the Arctic? Certainly it's controversial imagery will garner press interest, after all I'm writing this analytical blog for starters, and for campaigning organisations with limited budgets and only one bite at the media cherry this is crucial. However I'm still not sure it will change behaviour, the danger is that by pumping up the high octane drama of an ad, you increase the risk of viewers feeling manipulated and dismissing it as pure propaganda. Or lapsing into highly questionable failures of tact and taste in pursuit of 'edginess'.
So, if you can't sell your fearful doom-and-gloom prophecy to the masses - because they're just to dim, not because it's all a fraud - just whip up some graphic 'evidence' of what is happening, or the equivalent. As Algore does with the photoshopped images in his latest book of lies.
The Hockey Stick model has been proven to be a phony, the temperatures have proven to be falling, the CO2 has been proven to follow temperature rises - throughout all history - not lead them. No Climate Change problem, just the same old cycles of Nature. So they will lie. How desperate are they?
Look to the sky, Humans! Your environmental foolishness has caused Gaia to suck Polar Bears into the air and drop them on your un-feeling heads!
Heheheee! :D
Here's one commenter, at Tim Blair's blog on the Daily Telegraph. I think it fits exactly:
Take one medium sized polar bear and tenderize with a large meat mallet or by dropping from a substantial height. Cut into small bite sized pieces and place in a large cooking pot over low heat and add about eighty kilos of potatoes and sixty kilos each of carrots, white onions and navy beans. Pour in fifty gallons of brown gravy and season with handfuls of salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for thirty hours.
Enough for five hundred. If more are expected toss in a couple of baby seals.
Sat 21 Nov 09 (10:46pm)
How could I add to that?
hello my friend..they wont even acknowledge the evidence..pfftt!!!
Remember that the folks who count these human-hunting beasties have no idea how many bears there were in the world just forty years ago. No clue. It's all guess-work.
Good point. And now that you've made the point, I remember hearing about that guess work in college.
The same applies to some other species as well.
The polar bears are doing just fine. It really aggravates me that they've become the "poster children" for Climate Change...
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