- F2K is a free online creative writing course sponsored by
Writers' Village University and staffed by volunteer Mentors.- The course includes seven one-week fiction writing lessons and is designed for beginning writers; however, intermediate and advanced writers are encouraged to take the course as a refresher or to socialize with and encourage beginning writers. Thousands of writers have discovered that F2K is a great way to break writers block.
- F2K is offered 4 times a year.
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for updates and WVU class schedules.
Yep! The first f2k session of 2010 is almost here! We're busy getting our Mentors back into the fold, and searching among our computer files for the correct ones to use during the course. Then, on January 6th we'll watch the hundreds of registrants flood into the f2k site, trying to find their study groups, checking out the community gathering place - the Cafe f2k - meeting and greeting their fellow writing students. Day One is usually a confusing time for newbies, but a fun time, nonetheless!
Best of all it's free!
Need a refresher to stimulate your writing? Are you missing something in your writing and wonder what it might be? Well, in f2k you might discover what it is. The course is easy, fun, and one way to begin networking with other writers.
Did I mention it's free? :)
I stumbled on f2k while looking for a short story recommended by my then-Sweet Patootie. On the page was one of those banner ads. I got curious and clicked on it when I finished reading the story, and registered for f2k. I enjoyed it so much that after the course I joined WVU. That was 2001. WVU has been my writing home ever since.
Mentors are volunteers from WVU, as well as alumni of f2k. They're not teachers but helpers, and they're invaluable. Each Mentor has one study group to shepherd through the course. They give feedback to each student for the first lesson, and then it's up to the students to give feedback. After that first lesson the Mentors are there to keep an eye on things, give guidance where it's needed, and answer questions.
We have two chats each week, where we discuss the lessons, and then just about everything else under the sun. Many f2k students enjoy the experience so much that, like myself, they join WVU afterward. :)
For a small fee the students can get their Mentor's feedback throughout the rest of the lessons. I think the fee is $25 for the session. That small fee, from a handful of students, tends to provide most of the funds needed to keep f2k going. WVU, the parent organization, provides the rest of the funding. Bob Hembree (our Founder and Fearless Leader) set it up this way, years ago, and it's worked well.
So why not check it out? It doesn't cost a thing, and you may find it to be one of the more enjoyable experiences of your 2010 writing. I did, many years ago, and have never regretted it! Register right now!
Will look at it when I get a chance and time.
I hope you sign up, Shoprat. It was just the kick in the tush I neded at the time. Even though I'm a Mentor now, I still find it helpful and a re-learning experience. Besides, it's fun to help other writers, and this is a good place for that!
Sorry, I don't read Korean.
I'll be back-have a small book in my computer-based on my teaching experience ---it's been there for three years! un-published....
Thanks for visiting my site....
This looks like something I need. Several bloggers have asked why I don't have a blog. The answer is that I didn't think I possessed writing skills coherent enough to attract an audience. This may be the elixir to my quest for writing improvement.
I linked to your site from "Born Again Redneck." Seeing that Patrick, BAR owner is Republican, and you not only read his blog, but recommend Writers' Village University, is it safe to assume WVU is simply not interested in students political views? If not, this system would save a lot of money and time wasted listening to left-wing English professors.
Although some students will add political 'flavors' to some of their lesson assignments, no one is considered, politically, when giving feedback. In fact one recent session happened to take place with the 2008 election smack-dab in the middle. As you'd expect, some tempers flared, but for the most part the students went about their business and ignored the fooferaw.
I know there wil be Leftists in there, Rightists, too, and Middle-of-the-streamers. Makes no never-mind. We expect everyone to be honest, respectful, helpful. Heck, even me!
I hope to see you there, William!
CS: My novel languished - it got one rejection and I hid it away - before I found f2k, and thus WVU. I gained more techniques and insights into writing, did a lot of editing, and now my novel is published. A small publisher, but still ...
Join us at f2k and see what you may gain. :)
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