When I was in school I remember the fun of cutting red construction paper into heart shapes, adding some paper lace, thinking up funny sayings (Glue on a peanut and write "I'm nuts about you!") for the cards you would hand out to your classmates. Now we have Sponge Bob stickers, Spiderman crap, and so on. Nothing fun for the kids. Not really. Just more crap they can whime to their clueless parents about.
But I don't hate Valentine's Day. Face it, the day is a reminder, if nothing else, that your love needs to be shown. Can't remember your Wedding Anniversary? You won't be allowed to forget Valentine's Day - unless you live in a cave with Osama - as the reminders are in every store across the fruited plain. Keep forgetting your Lady's - or Gent's - birthday? Valentine's Day comes with reminders each day. If you forget it you are truly devoid of simple intelligence. Or you have a drinking problem.
So it can be a bit too much, but Valentine's Day is actually harmless. Merely a reminder to love. Love is all you need. Love, love, love. Got it?
Now the Islamists hate Valentine's Day as they claim it promotes licentiousness. The Islamists are deathly afraid that someone somewhere may display affection. Can't have that! Islam is not about Love, but about Death, so in good old Islamist fashion the Kuwaitis are trying to ban it, and hope to suppress all displays of affection. Send them your love, Folks. Love those meanies. It drives them crazier.

1. Its too commercial. The whole idea of the holiday is to make profits for florists, greeting-card companies, candymakers, jewelers, and restaurants. When the spontaneity is gone, so is the romance.
2. My girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse is too materialistic. That girl you've been dating for a few months expects an engagement ring on Valentine's Day. Your boyfriend thinks a card and a box of candy is going to buy him into your pants. Yes, its contrived, but greedy people are just as much to blame as the gift stores.
3. I give and give, and get nothing in return. For women, this often means you find the most personal, meaningful, and romantic gift possible. The kind of thing you'd like to receive. Except you don't, because he doesn't consider it as important as you do. For men, this means that her expectations are so high you'll never completely please her, no matter what you do.
4. Its too cutesy and sappy and feminine. Mostly guys say this, but they are right. Pink hearts belong in a schoolgirl's room. Valentines Day can send you into a diabetic shock.
Read the list, it's funny. And then remember to give your Sweetie something nice today. Show them that you do love them. And then resolve to show them every day. Why waste the love? It's actually unlimited so spend it!
Happy Valentine's Day!
For the Ladies we have this nice quiz: Valentine's Day: How Bad's It Gonna Be This Year?
For the Gents we have this quiz:
The Valentines Day Test
From John Hawkins, at Right Wing News, comes "Be My Political Valentine". Wait for the images to load!

The political Valentines are great! LOL!
Aren't they? Heheheee!
Happy Valentine's Day!
lol.. I loveeeeeeee Valentines Day!..have a great one my friend..hugz!
Don't eat too many chocolates, Angel!
Unmarried and unattached so the holiday means nothing to me, but I hope those who celebrate it do so with joy.
I gotta' tell ya' Benning, ... i am smitten-ly in love,... and this was the first Valentine I can remember where I actually did the little things I hear about, but never did before.... and boy did it work. I took the day off due to er... back problems this morning :)
Shoprat: I'm with you!
T-P: Good for you! Best wishes ... and be careful of that back. ;)
Darn, Benning! When I first looked at this post I thought you had murdered Cupid! ;)
I do have a significant other, but Valentine's day means nothing to me and I let my husband off the hook years ago. At the risk of sounding sappy (sorry) it's because to me every day I have him with me is Valentine's day. I don't need a special day in order to know that he loves me or for him to know I love him. We express that every day, and do special things for one another when we feel like it, not when we are told to. Still, I do spread the "Happy Valentine's Day" wish around, so "Happy Belated Valentine's Day" to you too!
Darn, Benning! When I first looked at this post I thought you had murdered Cupid! ;)
I do have a significant other, but Valentine's day means nothing to me and I let my husband off the hook years ago. At the risk of sounding sappy (sorry) it's because to me every day I have him with me is Valentine's day. I don't need a special day in order to know that he loves me or for him to know I love him. We express that every day, and do special things for one another when we feel like it, not when we are told to. Still, I do spread the "Happy Valentine's Day" wish around, so "Happy Belated Valentine's Day" to you too!
Dead Cupid?
Twisted, but then...I like that kind of thing.
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